Метод Фельденкрайза - Privacy Policy-без боли и легко!
Суббота, 27.07.2024
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         This Privacy Policy is part of the Terms and Conditions and covers the "Feldenkraiz is the way to freebody"  and "הדרך לגב חופשי" ("Freebody" or "The way to freebody") sites available at www.feldenkraiz.co.il, www.freebody.co.il, and other Freebody run Websites ("site"). It describes how Freebody ("we", "us" or "our") collects, protect and uses the "Personally identifiable information" (PII) received from customers and users ("you", "your" or "customer") of site.

         If You have any request concerning Your PII or any queries as to how we use Your PII, please contact us at our guestbook http://www.feldenkraiz.co.il/gb (Russian and English), http://freebody.co.il/gb (Hebrew).


Privacy Policy ("PP").

        Your privacy is important to us. At "Feldenkraiz is the way to freebody" (short: "Freebody") we have a few fundamental principles:

  • We don’t ask you for PII unless we truly need it.
  • We don’t share your PII with anyone except to comply with the law, develop our products, or protect our rights.
  • We don’t store PII on our servers unless required for the on-going operation of one of our services.
  • We aim to make it as simple as possible for you to control what is visible to the public seen by search engines, kept private and permanently deleted.


          When You use Freebody services, You trust us with Your information. This PP explains to You what data we will not collect, what data we collect and what we do with it.


  1. What PII we collect from the people that visit our blog, website or app:
  • Contact information, such as:
    • Name;
    • Email Address only if we truly need it. For example: registering on our site or its service provider; to create a personal account.
    • If You provide Freebody with Your phone number, we can provide additional services, such as login verification by SMS or other similar;
  • Additional information, such as:
    • List of friends or other details to help you with your experience, if the service truly need it;
    • Log information;
    • Other truly need information;
  • Information from visitors to our site through the use our online forms.
  • Information we get from Your use our or trusted third party services and applications;
  1. Why we collect information:
  • To identify a registered user;
  • To improve customer services;
  • To measure customer services;
  • To update You about a news of Freebody;
  • To make a possible the implementation of services;
  1. How we protect information we collect:
  • Our domain receiving regular malware scans;
  • Our site received regular spam control;
  • When You access to Your account we offer You two step verification;
  • We use new technologies and provide timely updates;
  • We restrict access to PII to Freebody`s employees, contractors and agents who need to know that information in order to process it for us, and who are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet these obligations.
  1. Cookies and similar technologies. Cookies are small piece of text sent to your browser by our site in the exchange of information.
    1. How we use cookies on our site:
  • For understand and save user's preferences for You future visits;
  • Compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions in order to offer better site experiences and tools in the future.
  • We may also use trusted third party services that track this information on our behalf. For example:
    • Facebook services;
    • Yandex services;
    • Google services;
    • Other trusted third party services.
    • You may set on browser to warn You each time a cookie is being sent, or
    • You may set on browser to block all cookies. What happened if you disable cookies in their browser:
  • Many services continue to operate;
  • However some of our services will not function properly:
    • Memory function of language preferences;
    • Transfer function of the goods from the store page to cart page. But You still order over the telephone;
    • It will turn off some other feature on our site.
  1. Information sharing and disclosure.

      Except as noted in this Privacy Policy or with your consent, we do not sell or share your PII.  Non-Identifying Information may be provided to other parties.

      Information we share:

  • With our service provider;
  • With our site administrators;
  • Compliance with Laws and Law Enforcement.
  1. Third party or linked sites and disclosure.

      This Privacy Policy does not apply to the products or services of any third parties, even if their products or services are linked to, embedded within, or advertised on, our site.  These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies.

      We recommend that you review the privacy statements of the other parties with whom you interact, including third party social networking services linked to our site, prior to interacting with those services.

      Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.

       However we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to unfamiliar, unknown, or outside parties your personally identifiable information unless we provide you with advance notice.

       This does not include website hosting partners and other parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others' rights, property, or safety.

       We will respect the choices you make to limit sharing or visibility settings in your Google Account and allowing use of the site anonymously.

  1. Links to External Sites.

      The Freebody`s site may contain links to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations.  We provide these links as a service to visitors to our site.  When you follow a link to an external site, you are leaving the Freebody and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the external site.

  1. Children`s Privacy.

       Our site and our services or application features are "general interest" applications designed for older users. We do not knowingly collect PII from children under 13 year in connection with our site, those applications, or features. And do not target our site to children under 13.

  1. Credit Card Information.

        The Freebody does not disclose credit card account information provided by its customers. When customers choose to pay using their credit cards, the Freebody submits the information needed to obtain payment to the appropriate clearing-house. Our pages on which operations are performed are authentic and all transactions are secured by industry-leading SSL encryption.

  1. Changes.

           Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. We will post any privacy policy changes on this page and, if the changes are significant, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, notification of privacy policy changes on the home page of Freebody`s site) within 14 business day.


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